GoogleMap plugin for CMSimple

version: 1.0.0  


  • Introduction
  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Language
  • Integration into CMSimple


    The GoogleMap plugin is used to insert a map using Google global map, which can be integrated into any CMSimple page by means of the CMSimple scripting command or it can also be integrated into CMSimple template.

    Disclaimer : No warranties whatsoever, use at your own risk !
    Requirements : The CMSimple plugin loader must be installed and operational !

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    Installation instructions

    The GoogleMap plugin is installed now

    Before you can use the Googlemap plugin, it's necessary to

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    Configuration settings

    The configuration settings of the GoogleMap plugin are integrated into the CMSimple administrative module. So, first login into this module.

    Select Googlemap from the list of available plugins.

    Select Configuration from the dropdown list.

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    Language settings

    The language settings of the Googlemap plugin are integrated into the CMSimple administrative module.
    So, first login into this module.

    Select Googlemap from the list of available plugins.

    Select Language from the dropdown list.

    Change the language settings according to your needs and use the save button to save the modifications you make.

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    Integration into a CMSimple page

    Show GoogleMaps on a CMSimple page

    The googlemap is called by means of a special function named : googlemap().
    This function has no required parameters

    If you want to show your googlemap on a CMSimple page, please follow the steps listed below:

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    Put the googlemap into the site template

    To display a googlemap within your template, please follow the steps listed below:

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